AnalyticalAnnie (comments)

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hey hows it been going?
sorry its been so long....

Posted by ZO-9 on Jan 2, 08 7:16 pm · History

I've been acting diffrent, I don't let ppl get me upset or sad. I'm just like whatevas towards ppl, I'm in college, so I don't have time to worry about ppl. LOL! How are you doing?

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Aug 21, 07 11:03 am · History

My bestfriend said, I've been acting weird! At this point I don't care what ppl say to me, I'm just whatevas with ppl, I don't let them get me mad.

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Aug 21, 07 11:01 am · History

I'm a little stressed out, ppl in my dorm keep fight, and work is stressing me out! How are you doing? I'm also don't eat meat!!!

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Aug 9, 07 10:24 pm · History

Don't let him make you sad, if you truly love someone. You would do anything to talk to him/her. You feel me?

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 27, 07 11:17 pm · History

If your boyfriend really cared, or loved you... he would make an effort to call you.

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 27, 07 12:22 pm · History

That sucks. If he has a cell fone then text "call me you freak!!" Just kiddin but as your boyfriend he should

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 27, 07 12:19 am · History

coolie O... Damn HS seems so far away to me!

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 26, 07 6:48 pm · History

c0ol! Um.... ur in the 11th grade? Right?

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 26, 07 1:16 pm · History

I'm taking Business Technology, I think I'm going to computer Tech, so I can be certified. I'll make more money! LOL!

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 26, 07 11:05 am · History

mmm me to its so sweet! God theres nothin to do here!!!

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 25, 07 6:26 pm · History

I'm at Job Corps, and I just finished my trade. I'm looking forward to getting my drivers license and going to college!

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 25, 07 11:24 am · History

I'm at Job Corps, and I just finished my trade. I'm looking forward to getting my drivers license and going to college!

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 25, 07 11:23 am · History

How have you been?

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 24, 07 1:47 pm · History

I wish i was @ the zoo rite now instead of sittin my grandmas livin room listen to her an my dad discuss watermelon!

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 23, 07 8:37 pm · History

What?! The zoo!! Ur sooooooo lucky!! I want to go the zoo too!! (haha rymes) Iv been wanten to go to the zoo forever!!!!! Im so jelous :P

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 21, 07 8:17 pm · History

Yeah i hate breakfast foods and my definition of mornin is early afternoon :P

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 20, 07 11:01 pm · History

Omg me too!!! My mom let me eat it for breakfast the other day an it was pretty great :D

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 20, 07 10:48 pm · History

Haha me too! I used to b allergic to it wen i was little, isnt that sad!!!???!!!

Posted by ZO-9 on Jul 20, 07 10:37 pm · History

4 sum reason, I knew that. But I wanted to make sure.

Posted by MoHaWkGrl on Jul 20, 07 6:50 pm · History

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  • 16 years old