
Much Needed Advice

July 20 2007, 10:17 PM

Ok so I really don't know where to start. Mainly the most recent should be good. Alright well today I had an amazing day, but then my boyfriend called me and I told him I was surprized that he did. And then he said he was dissappointed that I would actually think that of him. But it's really true. I always feel as if I'm the one to call him and ask him to hang out with me. Am I like a syco bitch or just paraniod that he doesn't enjoy being with me? And now I think he's mad at me. So I really would just appriciate some advice if anyone has any. It would really be a big help.


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July 19 2007, 11:02 PM

I wanted to get one of these because I'm kinda really confused about a lot of things and I just really need some help with making decisions. Or sometimes just someone to talk to. But yeah that's really all I have to say for now...


MoHaWkGrl: I've learned over the years, not to care what other think... 07-20-07 12:28 PM


  • Female
  • 16 years old


Entries 2
Comments 1
Page views 415
Last update Jul 20, 2007
